Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Sequencing: The foundation of video storytelling

The article "Sequencing: The foundation of video storytelling" has great advice on shooting a proper video. I've summarized the best pointers below.

- The sequence is the foundation of all video storytelling. Sequences compress time in a video story.

- Look for shots that could be great openers or enders in your video.

- Use a variety of wide, medium and tight shots to give the story more interest.

- Compress a long clip that films everything into a short clip that interests and lets the veiwer picture what will happen next.

- Try to remember to shoot a variety of shots. It’s most important to hold your shots for about 10 seconds each.

- Anticipate the action. Be creative with your shots. Get the camera low or high. Zoom in on something interesting.

- Weight your shots to the tight and super tight end of the shooting spectrum. Tight shots make great transitions between two wide shots or two medium shots.

- Make sure you capture shots you can use to transition from one story segment to another.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Thursday, November 5, 2009